About STET Exam: As per the latest update, the Sikkim Human Resource Development Department has ready to publish a Sikkim TET Exam Notification to conduct Sikkim Teachers Eligibility Test (STET). The need and purpose for conducting this exam is to appoint the suitable and deserving candidate for the teacher post in Class I to V (Lower Primary Teacher), Class VI to VIII (Upper Primary Teacher) schools in the state of Sikkim. So, the candidates who are interested and eligible to appear for this STET Exam 2017 must fill the application form, which is available on the official website i.e. www.sikkimhrdd.org. The candidates who are willing to apply, those keep in mind that after last date application will not be accepted by the authorities. For more Sikkim TET Exam Details like registration fee, selection process, important dates, syllabus, exam pattern, previous year question papers read the complete article.
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Sikkim TET Exam Details
The Human Resource Development Dept will be conducting Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test (STET) in accordance with the provision of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE ACT 2009). STET will be conducted at least twice a year. A person who has qualified STET may also appear again for improving his/her score in the following years. Minimum educational Qualification for becoming Primary Teacher for classes I-V, Graduate Teacher for classes VI-VIII (Elementary Stage) is mentioned below. Along with Sikkim TET Exam Notification authorities will soon release the important dates @ www.sikkimhrdd.org. For Sikkim TET Exam Details please visit official website of STET.
Sikkim TET Eligibility and Qualification
- Candidate must be qualified the bachelor degree with at least 50% of marks from an authorized university/institution.
- Candidates those who have completed their 1 year B.ED (or) 2 years BEI.ED diploma they can also apply for the Sikkim TET 2017.
Sikkim TET Application Form
Human Resource Development Department invites application from the local candidates for Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test 2017. Interested candidates fill the application form on or before the close date. Pay your application fee as per norms. Examination fee of Rs. 200/- which has to be paid in the form of Demand draft in favour of Joint Director {Exam}. HRDD, payable at IDBI, Gangtok.
See: Demand Draft (DD) Details
Sikkim TET Selection Procedure
Aspirants who have applied for the Sikkim TET Notification, they will be selected based on their performance in Sikkim TET Examination.
Sikkim TET Syllabus
The candidates are informed that they can download the Sikkim TET Syllabus and exam pattern through this page. The STET Syllabus pdf helps the candidates in manage the time for preparation. The candidates can prepare well with the help of syllabus as well as Sikkim TET Exam Model Question Papers.
Sikkim TET Exam Pattern
- TET will be of Objective type (Multiple Choice question)
- There will be no negative marking.
- of MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) =150.
- All are compulsory.
- Duration of examination will be of 2:30 hrs
Paper I Exam Pattern
Topics | No of Questions | Total Marks | Duration |
Child Development & Pedagogy | 30 | 30 | 2:30 hrs |
Language I (compulsory) | 30 | 30 | |
Language II (compulsory) | 30 | 30 | |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 | |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Paper II Exam Pattern
Topics | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Duration |
Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory) | 30 | 30 | 2:30 hrs |
Language I (Compulsory) (Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Gujarati) | 30 | 30 | |
Language II (Compulsory) | 30 | 30 | |
Mathematics or Science (For mathematics & Science Teacher) | 60 | 60 | |
Social Studies/Social Science (For Social Studies/Social Science teacher) | 60 | 60 |
Sikkim TET Exam Cutoff (or) Qualifying Marks
- Sikkim TET Exam Cut off is the minimum qualifying marks which the candidates will have to score both in Paper I & Paper II.
- A person who scores 60% or more in STET will be considered TET pass.
Sikkim TET Admit Card
Candidates will be able to download their Admit Card before the two weeks of the Sikkim TET Exam Date. Applicants can download Sikkim TET Admit Card by entering their Registration Id, Roll No. or Full Name. If you face any problem during downloading hall ticket, you can contact or inform at www.sikkimhrdd.org.
Sikkim TET Results
The examination authority releases the Sikkim TET Results after two months of the examination. Whenever the authorities announced the STET Result, then we will update here. We wish you all the best for your results. Keep connect with us for Sikkim TET Exam Details.
State Wise TET Exam Details
For all Teacher Eligibility Test details you can visit the below given table:
AP TET (Andhra Pradesh) | Meghalaya TET |
Assam TET | Maha TET |
Bihar TET | Nagaland TET |
Goa TET | Orissa TET |
Gujarat TET | Punjab TET |
HTET (Haryana) | Rajasthan TET |
HP TET (Himachal Pradesh) | Sikkim TET |
Jharkhand TET(JAC TET) | Tripura TET |
J & K TET (Jammu Kashmir) | TN TET (Tamil Nadu) |
Kerala TET | Telangana TET |
Karnataka TET | UP TET (Uttar Pradesh) |
MP TET (Madhya Pradesh) | UTET (Uttarakhand) |
Manipur TET | WBTET (West Bengal) |
Also See: CTET Exam Details, TET Exam Details
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