About Nagaland TET: Nagaland Teacher Eligibility Test is also called as NLTET. Every year Nagaland School Examination Board is going to held Nagaland TET Examination at various exam centers all over Nagaland State. Nagaland TET Application Form is invited from the eligible candidates to appear in the entrance examination. Interested candidates register themselves on or before the due date. Aspirants who want to get further Nagaland TET Exam Details about Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Previous Question Papers, cut off etc can go through the official site as well as our site. The minimum eligibility criteria for class I to V (Paper I) and class VI to VIII class (Paper II) as given below.
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Nagaland TET Exam Details
Nagaland TET Eligibility and Qualification:
As per official notification, all graduates (i.e. B.A, B.Sc., B.Com etc.) are eligible to take the Nagaland Teacher Eligibility Test. NL TET is a mandatory examination for all the B.Ed. passed candidates to get job as a teacher. The candidate after satisfying Nagaland TET Eligibility criteria can apply through Official site. any more Nagaland TET Exam Details read the complete article.
Nagaland TET Exam Cutoff (or) Qualifying Marks
- Candidates who applied for this Nagaland Teacher Eligibility Test are advised to check the expected Nagaland TET Exam Cut off on the official website @ nbsenagaland.com. Because Cut off is the minimum qualifying marks which the candidates will have to score both in Paper I & II.
- A candidate who scores 60% or more in the Nagaland TET Examination will be considered as NL TET pass.
- In accordance with NCTE Guidelines Nagaland TET Certificate shall be valid for a period of 7 years from the Nagaland TET Exam Date.
How to fill Nagaland TET Application Form
- Log on to the official website @ nbsenagaland.com
- On the home page applicants will have access to the Nagaland TET 2017 Apply Online.
- Click on the appropriate link.
- Fill up all appropriate details correctly for Registration.
- Then upload the passport size photograph and signature & required documents for the completion of registration.
- Pay your application fee and then
- Click on the submit button.
- Take print out of your form for future purpose.
See: Demand Draft (DD) Details
Nagaland TET Selection Procedure
Aspirants who have applied for the NL TET Exam Notification, they will be selected based on their performance in Nagaland Teacher Eligibility Test.
Nagaland TET Syllabus
We are providing the Nagaland TET Syllabus and exam pattern of this test which helps you to solve the question paper without difficulty. Preparing according to Nagaland TET Exam Model Question Papers is the best way to score more in NL TET Exam 2017.
Nagaland TET Exam Pattern
Paper | Topics | No. of Questions | Total Marks |
I | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 | |
Language II | 30 | 30 | |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 | |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 | |
II | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 | |
Language II | 30 | 30 | |
Maths or Science (For Maths and Science Teachers) (or) Social Science (For Social Science Teacher) | 60 | 60 |
Nagaland TET Exam Admit Card:
All the information about the examination like Nagaland TET Exam Date, location or venue, time shall be mentioned on Nagaland TET Exam Admit Card. So, Hall Ticket is a must for every applicant to appear the exam. You can collect your Admit Card from the links given below as well as official website.
Nagaland TET Results
After finishing the written exam, participants are eagerly waiting for the Nagaland TET Results. We informed to those candidates NL TET Exam Result is declared within two months of the examination. Based on the Results, candidates will be selected as teacher for class 1 to 8. Applicants have to see the Result on the official website of www.nbsenagaland.com.
State Wise TET Exam Details
For all Teacher Eligibility Test details you can visit the below given table:
AP TET (Andhra Pradesh) | Meghalaya TET |
Assam TET | Maha TET |
Bihar TET | Nagaland TET |
Goa TET | Orissa TET |
Gujarat TET | Punjab TET |
HTET (Haryana) | Rajasthan TET |
HP TET (Himachal Pradesh) | Sikkim TET |
Jharkhand TET(JAC TET) | Tripura TET |
J & K TET (Jammu Kashmir) | TN TET (Tamil Nadu) |
Kerala TET | Telangana TET |
Karnataka TET | UP TET (Uttar Pradesh) |
MP TET (Madhya Pradesh) | UTET (Uttarakhand) |
Manipur TET | WBTET (West Bengal) |
Also See: CTET Exam Details, TET Exam Details
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