About Meghalaya TET: Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test (ML TET) will conduct by Government of Meghalaya for those who plan to be teachers for class I to class VIII. Meghalaya TET Examination is not an easy exam and syllabus is tough. The candidates who wish to become teachers in Meghalaya State and it is mandatory for each and every candidate to clear in this entrance exam. The candidates who satisfying the Meghalaya TET Eligibility and Qualification can apply through online mode. Also check the Meghalaya TET Exam Notification for registration fee, selection process, important dates, syllabus, and exam pattern. For more Meghalaya TET Exam Details you must scroll down the page.
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Meghalaya TET Exam Details
Meghalaya TET (Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test) which is an entrance examination conducted for all eligible students. Meghalaya TET Exam Comprises of two papers. Paper I will be for a candidate who want to be teacher for class 1 to 5. Paper II will be for candidates who want to be teacher for class 6 to 8. After announcing the Meghalaya TET Exam Notification any interested and eligible candidates can apply online mode from official website i.e. www.mbose.in. Below we have provided the Meghalaya TET Exam Details about fee, registration process etc.
Meghalaya TET Eligibility and Qualification
For Paper I (class I to V):
Candidate should have senior secondary with 45% marks or appearing in final 2 year diploma/4 year B.Ed/2 year diploma in special education certificate or B.A/B.SC with minimum 50% marks with B.ED qualification can eligible for Meghalaya TET 2017.
For paper II (class VI to VIII):
Candidate should complete B.A/B.SC/B.Ed with 50% marks or those appearing in 2 year diploma have 45% marks in respective can eligible for this Meghalaya TET Examination.
How to fill Meghalaya TET Application Form
- Go to the official website @ www.mbose.in
- Click Meghalaya TET Application Form 2017
- Applicants must fill in your personal information and education details
- Upload your Photo for the application
- Now, the candidates have to upload all the certificates in the application’s site
- Registration fee should be paid
- Must submit your filled form before the last date.
See: Demand Draft (DD) Details
Meghalaya TET Selection Procedure
Aspirants who have applied for the Meghalaya TET Exam Notification, they will be selected based on their performance in Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test. Another Meghalaya TET Exam Details like syllabus, exam pattern and old papers scroll down the page completely.
Meghalaya TET Syllabus
Candidates who are facing the critical problem of what to prepare and how to prepare to give their best in their examinations by following the below given Meghalaya TET Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Along with syllabus we will provide Meghalaya TET Exam Model Question Papers for better understanding of paper pattern.
Meghalaya TET Exam Pattern
- All the questions will be Multiple Choice Questions and One questions carrying 1 mark.
- Time Duration is 2 and 30 hour for each paper.
- Questions will be set to assess candidate’s ability to analyze, interpret and apply the subject matter.
- There will be no negative marking for wrong answers.
- Paper I questions will come from 5 different subject i.e. Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II (English), Mathematics & Environmental Studies. Each subject will carry 30 marks.
- Paper II will come from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I, Language II (English) moreover Mathematics and Science (for Mathematics and Science teacher), Social Studies/Social Science (for Social Studies/Social Science teacher).
Meghalaya TET Admit Card:
Meghalaya TET Admit Card is mandatory for attend the Meghalaya Teacher Eligibility Test. Admit Card download link available now on its official website. The concerned candidates will be able to download the Hall Ticket individually by entering the registration number and date of birth. After that verify the printed details on admit card like Meghalaya TET Exam Date, timings, venue etc.
Meghalaya TET Results
Candidates check your Meghalaya TET Results by using the roll number or registration number and name etc. On the result page you can also get cut off or qualifying marks. Meghalaya TET Exam Cut off Marks shall be decided by the authorities for short listing the candidates on keeping various factors such as reservation, paper complexity and previous year cut off etc.
State Wise TET Exam Details
For all Teacher Eligibility Test details you can visit the below given table:
AP TET (Andhra Pradesh) | Meghalaya TET |
Assam TET | Maha TET |
Bihar TET | Nagaland TET |
Goa TET | Orissa TET |
Gujarat TET | Punjab TET |
HTET (Haryana) | Rajasthan TET |
HP TET (Himachal Pradesh) | Sikkim TET |
Jharkhand TET(JAC TET) | Tripura TET |
J & K TET (Jammu Kashmir) | TN TET (Tamil Nadu) |
Kerala TET | Telangana TET |
Karnataka TET | UP TET (Uttar Pradesh) |
MP TET (Madhya Pradesh) | UTET (Uttarakhand) |
Manipur TET | WBTET (West Bengal) |
Also See: CTET Exam Details, TET Exam Details
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