is an information and educational news website which gives information about educational institutions, Courses, and their tutorials. Addresses of Colleges, Universities are provided to help students.
We focus on publishing the important and interesting content to all kinds of audience, we have been acing Educational niche from our very inception. Technology, Sports, Politics, Viral and Entertainment being the other primary topics we dig into, our opinion-based and Editorial articles are the stand-outs.
We are also trying to provide information about interviews, walk-ins in different companies so that it can help many students who are searching for a job.
There are no. of sites giving information regarding education or jobs, but what’s the difference between them to us? is simple, we are what we are! we are trying to provide useful information on both educational and jobs to our visitors.!
Editorial Staff:
Durga Bhavani – Senior Content Architect
She strives to excel our site in fields like Education and Entertainment, those are the most important topics on our website.
Jyothi – Content Architect
She mastered the art of writing in exclusive genres like Sports and Entertainment. Jyothi is a junior writer in our content development department and working with other website teams in our office.
Manojna – Social Media Operations
She mainly focuses on improving the brand visibility and social media presence with her innovative and creative posts.
Sunny – Social Media Manager
Sunny is the social media manager and lead of every social networking channel related to aiming website. His main motto is to make people connect with us and increase the social reach of our brand.
Sweety – Chief Editor
She manages the writer’s team and leads them to produce quality content that engages the visitors of our website. She also focuses on the quality of the site and takes care of publishing department.
Vinay Kumar – Chief Publisher
He is the chief publisher at He mainly focuses on the quality of the articles being written and published on the site. He also manages the technical work of our website.
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