Electronics and Communications Engineering Course is one of the demanding courses which is a branch among engineering courses. It is a technological course that deals with electronic devices and hardware applications. It acts as an interface of chip level hardware and information technology.
It also deals with designing equipment like switches, routers, fiber optics and electronic switching systems. It aims to acquire knowledge and skills in depth on the basic concepts and theories that help the students in their professional work involving analysis, system implementation, production and operations of various applications under this field.
Electronics and Communications Engineering Course Scope
ECE is a combination of both Electronics Engineering & Communication Engineering which focuses on electronic equipment, circuits and networks in transmission of information. ECE consists of some other elements like Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Control Systems etc. Hence the scope for the scope is increasing day by day all over the world due to increasing technology. Most of the startups that are opened in the field of Electronics and in a less span of time these startups may grow fast and spread to a wide range.
ECE Course Details
The course details consist of course duration, eligibility, course fees and other related courses of Electronics and Communications Engineering.
Course Duration:
The duration of this course is 4 years with 8 semesters.
The eligibility criteria of this course is 10 + 2 under recognized Board or University with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics as their basic stream.
Course Fees:
The fees for ECE course might range between Rs.20, 000/- to Rs.25, 000/- per each semester.
ECE Specializations:
Specializations related to Electronic & Communication Engineering are as follows:
Telecommunication Engineering
VLSI Design Engineering
Instrumental Engineering
Computer Engineering etc.
ECE Syllabus
Electronics & Communication Engineering course’s syllabus consists of following subjects which are represented here under:
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
Engineering Drawing
Mathematics – 2
Engineering Mechanics
Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)
Programming & Computing ( C & UNIX)
Network Analysis & Synthesis
Communicative English
Physics – 2 & Lab
Analog Electronics
Mathematics – 1
Workshop Concepts
Mathematics – 3
Physics – 1
Programming Lab
Basic EEE Lab
Chemistry – 1 & Lab
Analog Electronics Lab
Physics – 1 Lab
Workshop Practice
Semester 4
Semester 5
Semester 6
Electromagnetic Theory
Measurement & Instrumentation
Antenna & Microwave Engineering
Discrete Mathematics
Signal and Systems
Analog Integrated Circuit
Digital Electronics
Electrical Engineering Materials
Professional Communication
Industrial Economics
Communication System
Electrical Machine
Measurement & Instrumentation Lab
Analog Integrated Circuit Lab
Digital Electronics Lab
Microprocessor Lab
Automatic Control System
Electrical Machine Lab
Electronics Circuit
Communication System Lab
Semester 7
Semester 8
Digital Signal Processing
Wireless Mobile Communication
Industrial Management
Optical Communication
Digital Communication
Design & Technology
Data Communication
Wireless Mobile Communication Lab
Digital Signal Processing Lab
Optical Communication Lab
Digital Communication Lab
B. Tech Project Lab – 2
B. Tech Project – 1
ECE Course Books
In addition to subjects, students need to refer some other books for the detailed study of the desired subject. They may find the references either through online or through libraries with respect to different authors. Let’s go through some of the reference books of different subjects.
Reference Books
1) Engineering Mathematics
Textbook of Engineering Mathematics
B.S. Grewal, V.P. Jaggi & A.B. Mathur
2) Applied Mechanics
Applied Materials & Strength of Materials, Engg. Mechanics
U.C. Jindal & A.K. Tayal
3) Principles of Electrical Engineering
Microelectronic Circuits (5th edition)
Kenneth C Smith, Adel S. Sedra, Arvin Grabel & Jacob Millman
4) Electromagnetics
Elements of Electromagnetic Fields
S.P. Seth
5) Computer Systems & Organizations
Computer System Organization & Architecture
John D. Carpinelli
6) Antennas & Propagations
Antennas for all Applications
J.D. Kraus, R.J. Marhefka
7)Digital Circuits & Systems 2
Switching & Finite Automata Theory, VHDL Primer
J. Bhasker, Zvi Kohavi
8) Consumer Electronics
Consumer Electronics for Engineers
Philip Hoff, Philip Herbert Hoff
9)Communication Principles & Circuits
Communication Systems & its 3rd edition
M. Kulakarni, Symon Haykins
10) Engineering Physics
Physics of Vibration & Waves
H. John Pain etc.
ECE Career Prospects
Electronics and Communications Engineering course has a great demand in India & abroad and the students after can obtain jobs immediately after the course. So let’s look for jobs for freshers under ECE along with salary packages.
Jobs for Fresher’s:
Some of the jobs under Electronics and Communications Engineering course for freshers are as follows:
Telecommunications & Networking
Analog & Digital Electronics
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Computer Networking
Control Engineering
Wireless Networking
Research Analysts
Embedded Systems
Signal Processing etc.
Salary packages:
The students who possess ECE course can attain job opportunities under public & private sectors with good salary packages. The starting salary for ECE students may be Rs.30, 000/- p.m. and may vary according to the nature of the organization.