Education is the primary requirement for any child in the world. Right to Education Act (RTE) is an Act of Parliament of India which came into existence on August 4, 2009, which describes the importance of children education.
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This Act came into force on April 1, 2010, with a view to providing free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India. After the implementation, India ranked 135th place of remaining countries for making “Education as a fundamental Right”. And from that moment, every child in India is attaining basic education (10th).
And later the scope for basic education is extended to twelfth (12th) for students with a view to attaining the basic graduation. After 12th standard, a student has to decide his path and his career. Here you find Career Options after 12th Science/Commerce/Arts and its scope.

Courses in Twelfth (12th)
After the extension of basic education to 12th, the people became happy to go with 12th which would be helpful for attaining knowledge and employment. There are various courses in 12th that the students can opt to attain minimum knowledge in their desired courses. There are subjects with various combinations are formed different groups which are named for the courses. Some of them are:
- Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (M.P.C.)
- Biology, Physics and Chemistry (Bi. P. C.)
- Mathematics, Economics and Commerce (M. E. C.)
- Civics, Economics and Commerce (C. E. C) etc.
Career Options after 12th
There are various courses after 12th for pursuing their under-graduation. And who are not able to pursue the UG courses can go with various diploma courses which would help the students for quick entry into employment. Let’s go with some diploma and under-graduate courses offered after 12th along with their duration.
- Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech): The duration of this course is four years.
- Bachelor of Sciences (B. Sc.): The duration of the course is three years.
- Bachelor of Commerce (B. Com): The duration of the course is three years.
- Bachelor of Arts (B. A): The duration of this course is three years.
- Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA): The duration of this course may vary between 6 months to 1 year.
- Diploma in Business Management (DBM): The duration of this course may be from 1year to 2 years.
There are some other diploma courses which are helpful to attain employment immediately after the completion of the course with different durations i.e. 6months, 1 year and 2 years.
Also See: Career in Engineering
Fee structure for the courses after 12th
There are various colleges for providing educational courses after 12th and may vary according to the educational institutions and universities. Let’s go through the fee structure of various courses after 12th.
- For B. Tech, the approximate fee is Rs.4,00,000/- for each year and may vary according to the branches in it.
- For B. Sc., the fee is Rs.3,00, 000/- for each year and changes according to the branches.
- For B. Com. & B. A., the fee may be Rs.2,50,000/- for three years and may vary according to demand and institutions.
- For Diploma courses, the fee may start from Rs.1,50, 000/-
Career after 12th Science/Commerce/Arts
The students who opt for employment after 12th, may have good career according to the courses they chose after 12th. Let’s find the Career Options after 12th:
Functional areas of Employment after 12th:
Various functional areas that the people can attain employment after 12th can be as follows:
- Indian Defense Departments
- Teacher or Lecturer
- Sales Executive
- Tax Consultant
- Cost Accountant
- Fashion Designer
- Interior Designer
- Pharmacist etc.
Places of Employment
The areas in which one can attain employment according to their selected fields are as follows:
- Educational Institutions
- Electronic / Social Media
- Business Firms
- Pharmaceuticals
- Indian Navy & Defense
- Banking Sectors
- Advertisement Agencies
- Government Organizations etc.
Salary Packages
The salary package may vary according to the selected fields or business firms of an employee. The salary structure may vary according to the working organizations. Let’s look at the salary structures of some recognized organizations.
In Educational Institutions:
- For Teachers, the basic may be Rs.15, 000/- and vary according to specializations & organizations.
- For Lecturers, the basic is Rs.20, 000/- and may vary according to specializations & organizations.
In Banking Sectors:
- For Clerks, the basic pay is Rs.30, 000/- and may vary according to their types.
- For Probationary Offices (PO’s), the basic pay starts from Rs.40, 000/- and may vary according to their types.
In Navy and Defense:
As they are risky areas, the basic pay start from Rs.50, 000/- and vary according to the designations.
In Business Firms:
The salary packages may vary according to the type of candidate i.e. either fresh or experienced.
- For a beginner, the basic pay may be Rs.15, 000/-
- For an experienced, the salary may be Rs.40, 000/-