About MOOC Courses: MOOC full form is massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access through the web. A complete list of MOOC Courses offered by the top universities and colleges in a wide range of subjects. Below we have provided the MOOC Courses Details such as List of Courses, Edx, Coursera, Free Online Courses, Certificates, Cost, Syllabus List, Registration, Requirements, etc.
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What is MOOC?
A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is a free Web-based distance learning program and it does not have limitation in terms of participants. The word MOOC was invented in the year 2008 by Dave Cormier, from the University of Prince Edward Island for a course offered by the University of Manitoba, “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge”. In MOOCs there is creativity and the openness and it allow the participants to share readings, videos and activities. Most significantly, MOOCs build on the engagement of learners who self-organize their participation according to learning goals, prior knowledge and skills, and common interests.
There are two types of MOOCs
- xMOOC: Content-based MOOCs
- cMOOC: connectivity MOOCs
xMOOC Coursera:
These courses we based on a couple of factors:
Superstar instructors from Ivy League schools, video mini-lectures, followed by short self-graded exercises participants could complete at their own pace, and discussion boards.
Coursera has a larger stake in peer-assessment as it comes to grading, and has developed a tool to allow for students to be assigned other student work to assess using instructions.
xMOOCs have enjoyed a lot of press coverage, and are what the general public associates with the terms Massive Open Online Course.
xMOOCs have a much more traditional course structure characteristically with a clearly specified syllabus of recorded lectures and self-test problems
These are based on the idea that the knowledge is in the network, and that one person doesn’t need to know everything, but needs to know the person who knows to get access to the information when appropriate.
cMOOC instructional design methods attempt to connect students to each other to answer questions and/or collaborate on joint projects.
Also, learning should be transparent and open, so learning manufactured article created as a part of a course should be openly available online, and, as much as possible, openly licensed using Creative Commons licensing.
MOOC Course Requirements
There are commonly no entry requirements for registering in a MOOC. All you need is access to a computer with an internet connection and a lot of willpower!
EdX is a non-profit online enterprise created by founding associates Harvard and MIT. EdX offers collaborating online classes and MOOCs from the world’s best universities. Online courses from MITx, HarvardX, BerkeleyX, UTx and many other universities.
Topics include
- Biology,
- Business,
- Chemistry,
- Computer Science,
- Economics,
- Finance,
- Electronics,
- Engineering,
- Food And Nutrition,
- History,
- Humanities,
- Law,
- Literature,
- Math,
- Medicine,
- Music,
- Philosophy,
- Physics,
- Science,
- Statistics and more
MOOC Certificate:
Take online MOOC Courses at edX and upon successful completion receive a certificate. This verified certificate from edX can provide proof of that you have successfully completed an online course. These certificates require you to verify your identity using a webcam and a govt-issued ID, so employers and schools know that you completed the course work.
Cost of MOOC Courses
The expectation of zero costs to students for MOOC access and participation is an attractive feature to many students, educators, administrators, and policy-makers, etc.
MOOC Syllabus
Week 1 – An overview
- Writing systems
- Models of reading acquisition (the ‘decoding’ and ‘direct’ paths)
- The importance of automatization
- Bilingualism
Week 2 – Definitions and identification of dyslexia
- Causes
- Identification
- Numerous activities include simple methods of observation (not formal diagnosis)
Week 3 – Co-morbidity and psychological and social aspects
- The ‘dys’-constellation (dyspraxia, dyscalculia etc)
- Audition
- Vision
- loss of self-esteem
- long-term effects of school drop-out and antisocial behaviour – evidence from Canada
- ‘positive’ aspects of dyslexia and unusual aptitudes
- discussion around pros and cons of ‘labelling’ a child
Week 4 and 5 – Practical teaching approaches
- General principles of inclusion
- Structured, multisensory, phonics-based and metacognitive approaches
- Summaries of recent influential reports of best practice from Belgium, France, the UK and USA
- Applying these approaches across the curriculum
- Learning styles
- Reading, spelling, comprehension and composition
- Visualization and mind-mapping
Week 6 – Study skills, aids and accommodations
- Attention, memory and organization
- Technological aids especially for reading and writing
- Examples of accommodations for formal assessments and examinations
MOOC Career:
From Stanford University to MIT, the world’s top universities are all authorization on to offer free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to anybody with Internet access. This course is designed to foster creative approaches to launching a new career.
Although there are numerous providers of MOOCs, 3 platforms currently dominate:
- Coursera
- edX and
- Udacity
If you are looking for a specific course of study, you might want to use a MOOC search engine such as
- MOOCSE and
- Class Central
Also Read: Coursera Free Courses Details