VLSI Design Course Details – Full Form, Eligibility, Duration, Fee, Subjects, Colleges and Career
VLSI design course is related to electronics field. It is a subject in electronics engineering course. But very few know that it’s a specialization field to pursue. This article is for them who want to pursue VLSI Design as a professional course. Here we provided list of course, eligibility, duration, subjects, colleges, jobs, employment areas and salary.
VLSI full form is Very-Large-Scale-Integration. VLSI began in the 1970s. VLSI is the process of making an IC and its full form is Integrated Circuit. Before the introduction of VLSI technology, most ICs had a limited set of functions they could perform. An electronic circuit might consist of a CPU, ROM, RAM and other glue logic. VLSI lets IC designers add all of these into one chip.
VLSI Design Courses
The VLSI (Very-Large-Scale-Integration) Design Courses are listed below
Post Graduate Certificate Course in VLSI Design
PG Diploma in VLSI Design
M.E in VLSI Design
M.S in VLSI Design
Post Graduate Certification Course in VLSI Design
It is a certificate diploma level course in VLSI Design. This course is structured to provide the student’s knowledge in Design of Digital Systems, Hardware Description Languages required for VLSI Design.
The eligibility to pursue this course is bachelor’s degree from recognizes college/university.
The duration to complete this course is 6 months.
Important Subjects
Digital Logic AITH Verilog
CMOS Designs
VLSI Design with HDL
List of Experiments Using Verilog
List of experiments Using VHDL
PG Diploma in VLSI Design Course
It is a VLSI Design Diploma Course. VLSI is a very important technology in modern electronics featuring deep submicron manufacturing processes, low voltage operations and smart programmable devices.
The eligibility to pursue this course is having a graduation degree.
The time required to complete this course is 1 year 6 months.
Important Subjects
Digital Logic AITH Verilog
List of experiments Using VHDL
CMOS Designs
VLSI Design with HDL
List of Experiments Using Verilog
M.E in VLSI Design Course
It is a post graduate VLSI Design program. In this course, a detailed study of the subsystems that comprise the overall system is carried out.
Any graduate degree from fields like ECE, EEE, CSE, IT, E&I, Instrumentation and other qualifications with minimum 50% of marks. Some colleges and universities conduct special entrance test.
The time period to complete this course is 2 years.
Important Subjects
Digital CMOS VLSI Design
Statistical Signal Processing
Digital CMOS VLSI design
Computer Architecture
ASIC Design
VLSI Signal Processing
VLSI Technology
Data Converters
Embedded Systems
RF System Design
M.S in VLSI Design Course
It is a master’s degree program of VLSI Design. The technical knowledge provided in the course on different aspects of the system will help the students in undertaking the functioning of the system
The eligibility to pursue this course is having graduate degree. Some colleges and i\universities conduct separate entrance tests.
The time required to complete this course is 2 years.
Important Subjects
The course consists of both theory and practical knowledge
Theory Subjects
CAD for VLSI Circuits
Digital CMOS VLSI Design
Statistical Signal Processing
Testing of VLSI Circuits
Design of Semiconductor Memories
VLSI Technology
RF System Design
VLSI for Wireless Communications
Practical Labs
VLSI Design lab I
Digital Image Processing Lab
Computer Architecture Lab
VLSI Design Lab II
Project Work
List of Top Colleges for VLSI Design Course
Acharya Polytechnic College, Bangalore
Center for Development of Advanced Computing-C-DAC, Hyderabad
Center for Development of Advanced Computing-C-DAC, Noida
Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Anna University, Chennai
Chirala Engineering College, Chirala
VEDA IIT, Hyderabad
Job Profiles Related to VLSI Design Course
Engineer staff
VLSI Design engineer
VLSI Programmer
Circuit design Engineer
Design and Verification Engineer
RTL Design Engineer
VLSI Project Designer
VISL Technical Lead
Employment Areas for VLSI Design Course
Colleges & Universities
HCL Technologies
Texas Instruments
Free-Scale Semiconductors
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd.
Microchip Companies
Salary Structure
In India, the salary of VLSI Design Engineer is Rs.6, 50, 016/- per year. In the USA the salary of VLSI design Engineer is $1,06,738
Job prospect after completion of mtech in vlsi coures
Job prospect after completion of mtech in vlsi coures