This is the article named Software Testing Course Details which provides the complete info of the course such as Requirements, Eligibility, Duration, Fee Structure, Best Institutes, Syllabus, Free Online Course, Courses Contents, Career, etc. Read the complete article to get all the information.
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About Software Testing Course:
Software Testing can be defined as an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. Software Test techniques include the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs or errors or other defects , and verifying that the software product is fit for use. This is the Definition as per wiki.
Types of Testing:
Before knowing about various Software Testing Courses. Let us first know about various Types in Testing. They are listed here. Have a look.
- Installation testing
- Compatibility testing
- Regression testing
- Smoke and sanity testing
- Acceptance testing
- Alpha testing
- Beta testing
- Functional vs non-functional testing
- Destructive testing
- Software performance testing
- Accessibility testing
- Conformance testing or type testing
Various Testing Methods are:
- Static vs. dynamic testing
- White-box testing
- Black-box testing
- Visual testing
- Grey-box testing
There are various testing levels listed here:
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- Component interface testing
- System testing
- Operational acceptance testing
Software Testing Course Details:
The course Software Testing focuses on all Types of Testing and its methods such as White Box, VB Scripting, Live Projects etc.
The Duration of the course differs. There will be some Short term courses which can be completed in just 45 days. And there will be some courses which take about 6 months and so they are called as long Term courses. These long term courses cover the concepts very deep and teach about all the testing tools. Here we are also providing the Brief Syllabus of the Course. This will help you to get some idea.
Manual Testing
- Introduction To Software Testing
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) :
- Water Fall Model
- Spiral Model
- V- Model
- Prototype Model
- Hybrid Model
- Agile (Scrum, XP).
White Box Testing
- Loop Testing
- Path Testing
- Condition testing
- Memory Testing
- Performance Testing
VB Scripting
- Over view on VB Scripting
- Difference Between programming and scripting
- How to Write and execute sample VB script
- Variable name format
- Sub data types(Integer, Long , Double, String, Boolean, Date, Empty etc.)
- Conversion Functions in VB Script ( Cint, Cdbl, Cbool, Cdate etc.)
- Operators(Arithmetic Operators, Relation Operators, Logical Operators, Miscellaneous Operators)
- Control Statement (Conditional Statements, Unconditional Statements)
- Different types of loop Statements
- Arrays
- Importance of SQL in Testing
- Basics Of RDBMS
- Constraints
- Operators in SQL
- Data Types
- Statements(DDL , DML, TCL)
- Grouping and group by functions
- System defined functions
- Sub Queries
- Joins(Cartesian Join, Inner Join, Outer Join, Left outer join, Right outer join, Full outer join)
- Co related sub queries
- Normalization
- ER diagrams
Certification Courses:
For Software Testing Certification is very much important. There are many courses in certification. They are:
Certified Software Test Professional (CSTP) Certification Courses
- Principles of Software Testing
- Test Design Evaluating Requirements & Requirement-Based Test Design
- Managing the Testing Process
- Test Automation
Certified Test Manager (CTM) Certification Courses
- Test Process Management
- Test Project Management
- Test Organization Management
- Test Automation Strategies and Architectures
- Software Development, Integration, Release and Support
Certified Software Test Automation Specialist (CSTAS) Certification Course
- Test Design for Automated Test Execution
- Database Testing: Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Introduction to Test Automation
Courses online:
For Software testing many of them choose the Online Courses. There are many online Courses offered by sites. Some Sites offer free Online Classes and Tutorials. These Courses cover the Contents
Software Testing (Basics + Advanced) + Automation Basics Class – Training Plan
Best Institutes Bangalore for Testing:
Here is the list of Top Institutes in Bangalore
- SG Software Testing Institute
- QSpiders
- Felight Java & Testing Training Institute
- CourseCube Private Limited, Bangalore Hadoop, Salesforce, AWS, Java, Testing
- Arcus Bangalore
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