Best Books for JEMAT: You know, Preparation with a planned manner can help you to achieve considerable result in any entrance examination.
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So, you can prepare JEMAT (Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test), West Bengal – State Level MBA Entrance Exam by collecting JEMAT Preparation books via online or market etc.
Following is the list of JEMAT Exam Books, Recommended and Suggested Books for Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test.
Buying the correct or Best Books for JEMAT are the best way to get started preparation for the exams. Here is a glance of the various books that syllabus for various sections in JEMAT.
The JEMAT Exam Pattern is very simple. It consists of objective type questions. The time limit for the examination is two hours. The question paper will consist of three sections namely Mathematics, English, General Knowledge / Logical Reasoning. The examination will be held of 1oo marks.
Marks allotted to each section are
- Section I Mathematics 40 marks
- Section II English 40 marks
- Section III GK / Logical Reasoning 20 marks.
List of JEMAT Exam Books
Following is the list of books preferred for JEMAT (Joint Entrance Management Aptitude Test).
English / Verbal Ability
- English Grammar by Wren and Martin
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- Verbal Ability by Arun Sharma
- Business English & Communication by Clark
- English Proficiency IMS India
- A Communicative Grammar of English by Geoffrey Leech
Quantitative Aptitude / Data Interpretation
- Quant Aptitude by Arun Sharma
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination by Abhijit Guha
- Data Interpretation by Arun Sharma
- S Agarwal books on Logical Reasoning
Business Magazines
- Business Today
- Business World
- Competition Success Review
- Business Line by Hindu Group
- Management Compass Career Launcher
- Newspapers
- Economics Time
- The Statesman
- The Hindu Times of India.