Best study material to prepare for KIITEE Exam: It is very important for candidates to get to know the Reference books for KIITEE Exam, with the help of which they can prepare well. Preparation with a planned manner can help you to achieve considerable result in this entrance examination.
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So, you can prepare State Level MBA Entrance Exam by collecting KIITEE Preparation Books via online or market etc. Following is the list of KIITEE Entrance Exam Books, Recommended and Suggested Books for Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) Entrance Exam.
As mentioned earlier, The KIITEE exam will be a computer based or online exam in English language. There will be 3 Sections from PCM each with 40 Multiple Choice Questions in each section. Every right answer will carry 4 Marks and 1 mark deduction from total score will be done for every wrong answer. The duration of exam will be 180 minutes or 3 hours. The test closes automatically once the allotted time of 180 Minutes are over.
KIITEE Entrance Exam Books List
- Resnick and HallidayCircuits devices and systems by R.J. Smith
- Problems in physics by I.E. Irodov
- Physics by H.C. Verma
- Problems in Physics by I.E. Irodov
- Physics by H.C. Verma
- Resnick and Halliday
- Morrison & Boyd
- Solutions to Morrison Boyd
- NCERT Inorganic Chemistry
- Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee
- IIT Chemistry by O.P. Aggarwal
Study material for KIITEE M.Sc Biotechnology please.