Bank Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers: Banking sector is an industry which offers opportunities to the students from all streams. Every bank conducts written test first to select the eligible candidates.
Those who have cleared the written test will be called for the interview. Interview sessions are considered tough when compared to written test as it involves speaking.
Students commonly search for interview questions and answers. Here are some commonly asked Bank interview questions and answers for freshers. You can download these bank interview questions and answers in pdf format also, See how to download the pdf file at the end of this post.
Some Tips Before Going Into Interview Question and Answers
- Candidates should reach the place on time. It is better to be at least an hour before the time specified on the admit card as there will be some formalities to be before the start of the interview by the interview panel.
- Carry all the required documents such as original certificates for verification purpose.
- Be prepared to wait for few hours.
The Interview
- The interview will be conducted by 3-4 senior bankers. Relax and take your seat. Be tension free.
- Remember that they know that you are eligible for the job as you have cleared the written test.
Bank Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers
Here are some most commonly asked interview questions and answers.
Question 1: Tell us something about yourself?
Answer: Candidate should not take more than 3 mins to answer this question. Do not go deep. Just a brief details such as your name, parents name and occupation, passion, job experience if any and skills. Conclude fast so that interview will not get bored.
Question 2: Banking term questions
Answer: To answer this question one should be well prepared about banking sector terms like what is cheque/KYC etc.
Refer the banking terminology here.
Question 3: Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Answer: This question will be asked to test your awareness towards career path and your level of commitment to the job they are offering.
Question 4: Any extra quality that you have that would impact our decision?
Answer: This question is to judge your confidence. I am a good learner and try to keep myself up-to-date. I will try to work hard without quitting even in the face of toughest challenges.
Question 5: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Answer: Mention only those strengths only which are beneficial for them or suitable to their industry and shows your ability and answer for your weakness must be effective and keep in mind that not to say that you have no weakness as it creates negative impression as it shows over confidence. Tell those weaknesses which doesn’t create bad on you and also tell what steps are taken to overcome your weakness.
Question 6: Tell me something about your native place?
Answer: This is the question to see the candidate’s knowledge of their surrounding and native place where he / she lives which implies his/her attentiveness,.
Question 7: As a technical student why the banking sector (question for B.Tech students)?
Answer: Tell them that banking industry is developing in such a way that it provides many career opportunities and also mention you are very much interested in banking sector and also say some technological advancement in banking industry that attracted you.
Question 8: if you get an offer with more salary from another company will you go for that?
Answer: The answer to this question must be given aspiration is to be a successful professional . In my opinion experience and career growth matters but not the salary. If I am eligible am happy to grow with the company.
Question 9: What do you like, dislike most about your current position? What will you miss most about your current position?
Answer: The interviewer is trying to determine compatibility with the open position. If you have an interest in the position be careful. Stating that you dislike overtime or detail work can cost you the position. There is nothing wrong with liking challenges pressure situations opportunities to grow or a dislike for frustrating situations. Again be positive about your current position.
Question 10: Some puzzle type questions.
Answer: There is a chance of asking puzzle type questions. Be prepared to answer them.
These are the most frequently asked 10 questions for the interview.
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Interview Mistakes
- Do not go without doing research about the company.
- Avoid saying too much or too little.
- Talking to the people who have already attended the interview will help you.
Searching more questions, knowing more about the industry, proper preparation and following those tips will help you to crack the bank interview. All the best.
If you want to download these questions and answers in pdf format for offline use, then press ctrl+p and in the print options select save as pdf file.