Below are the Basic banking terminology one must know. Here we are giving 25 most common basic banking terms and definitions. This banking terminology pdf will help a lot to acquire basic banking knowledge and can act like a basic banking terminology dictionary. Here some banking terms are given and their definitions are also updated soon. The definitions of general banking terms for interview are very helpful to one who is preparing for bank exams and to answer the basic banking interview questions. No One can survive in banking industry without banking general knowledge.

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Most of the banking terminology in India are similar to other countries. We will make separate posts like indian banking terminology pdf, banking terminology in hindi In the coming days.
Banking Terms and Definitions Used Commonly
Below are 25 commonly used banking terms. See more terms in another post “25 Commonly Used Banking Terms and Definitions”.
- Fiscal Deficit
- Franchising
- Giffen Goods
- Gilt Edged Securities
- Global Depository Receipts (GDR)
- Inflation
- Liquidity
- Liquidity
- Microcredit
- Mutual Fund
- Negotiable Instrument
- Offshore Banking
- Opportunity Cost
- Parallel Banking
- Priority Sector Lending
- Promissory Note
- Recurring Deposit
- Retained Earnings
- Safe Deposit Vault
- Scheduled Banks
- Selective Credit Control
- Stagnation
- Trade Credit
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