Sociology deals with the social problems of the people who are living in the society. And it is involving the study of social lives of people, groups, and societies. The study is nothing but about our behavior as social beings, covering everything from the analysis of certain contacts between anonymous individuals on the street to the study of global social processes. The term sociology was first used by Frenchman Auguste Compte in the 1830’s. Let us see some Sociology Courses details from here.
Sociology is the scientific study of human groups. It provides tools for the people for understanding how and why our society functions, the challenges of social interaction between individuals and society and impact of social intuitions on individuals lives. Sociology enables you to see the world in a new way. It is very easy to forget that the way we behave and feel is socially produced. It is the basic premise of sociology. Sociology mainly focuses on social relations, social interaction, culture, and deviance.
Nature of Sociologists
The persons or specialists who are engaged in teaching, research or other professional work in the field of sociology are called as Sociologists. Sociologists study human behavior and organization within the context of political, social and economic forces. They test the social influences including organizations and institutions and on individuals and groups. They also trace the origin and growth of these groups and their interactions. Administrators, educators, social workers etc. use sociological research to solve social problems in the Society.
Some of the duties of Sociologists are given below.
Analyze and draw the conclusion from collective data.
Collect data observations, interviews, surveys and other sources.
Design research projects to test theories about social issues.
Prepare reports and presentations that are related and show their research details.
Work with other social scientists.
Consult the advice clients and policy makers on research finding related to social issues.
The sociologists specialize in many types of social types like Health, crime, Education, Families and ethnic relations etc.
They observe the activities of social, political, and economic groups and institutions.
Sociology Courses Details which includes Sociology Degree, Diploma and Certificate courses in India with its syllabus, eligibility, fee, duration and colleges/institutes.
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology course is undergraduate sociology course. This degree program mainly covers the study of some of its specialized fields like Applied sociology, cultural sociology, collective behavior, community, and democracy etc.
The time period to complete this course is three years.
The main requirement to pursue this course qualifies in the 10+2 broad examinations in any stream.
Import Subjects:
Basic Concepts of Sociology
Social Groups and Processes
Social institutions
Social Stratification
Processes of Social Change
Techniques of Social Collection
Social Research
Evolution of Indian Society
Social Disorganization
Population Studies
Master of Arts in Sociology
Master of Arts in Sociology is a post graduate level sociology course. This course includes a comprehensive and thorough study of sociology as a discipline at the advanced level.
The duration to complete is this course is two years and four semesters will be conducted in the course.
The basic eligibility for pursuing this master degree is having graduation in any stream.
Some of the colleges demanding the 45-50 percent marks in graduation level degree course.
An entrance exam may be conducted by some reputed colleges for the admission.
Import Subjects:
Classical Sociological Theory
Indian Society and Culture
Industrial Sociology
Gender and Society
Social Anthropology
Modern Sociological Theory
Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Computer Applications in Social Research
Environment and Society
Advanced Courses in Sociology:
Master of Philosophy in Sociology
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
Fee Structure:
Usually, the fee structure is based on candidate’s category and location of the college. The fee range varies from one college to another due to the type of the Sociology Courses.
Top Sociology Colleges in India
Let’s see the top colleges of Sociology in India.
Stephen’s College, New Delhi
Christ University, Bangalore
Madras Christian College, Chennai
Mithibai College of Arts, Mumbai
Terasa’s College, Cochin
Ann’s College, Hyderabad
K. Arts College, Ahmedabad
National P.G. College, Lucknow
Jobs Related to Sociology Courses
Training Advisor
Human Services Assistant
Social worker
Rehabitalation Counsellor
Community Service Worker
Staff Reporter
Family Counsellor
Social Critic
Market Survey Researcher
Urban planner
Career Path
Sociology is a very vast field and thus there are different areas where one can specialize in with the advent of your studies and your career. Once you can completed your education in this field there will be lot opportunities available for you. The job recruitment areas such as Research institutes, public health and welfare organizations, law firms, medical centers, survey and polling organizations, private business, advertising firms, the criminal justice system, educational institutions etc. and some of other areas where the sociology graduates need.