GK in Hindi: General Knowledge is the best practice for students who are preparing for competitive Exam like IAS, RAS, UPSC, IBPS, NDA, Banks and Railway Recruitment. Here is a category-wise as well as date-wise Janral nolej hindi updated. Candidates can start your preparation for the Government Job Exams, Railway Exams and Bank Exams by checking the Today’s General Knowledge. GK in Hindi having latest daily current affairs and General Knowledge Daily Current affairs etc.
Janral nolej hindi
This is a small quiz to test how your general knowledge levels. By quickly taking this practice, you will find something interesting and learn new things. Actually general knowledge is essential aspect of every govt job exam. There are so many ways to improve your GK Skills. Read the daily updates of Samanya Gyan/GK and remember the important questions or topics.
General Knowledge in Hindi
We have provided various General Knowledge in Hindi section on this page. All Janral nolej hindi questions with answers provided below. With the help of this page you can upgrade your skills of general knowledge. All students can download GK Basic General Knowledge quiz questions with answers as PDF files for preparation.
Basic General Knowledge Questions:
- Who was the father of Nation?
Ans: Mahatma Gandhi
- The language spoken by the people by Pakistan is?
Ans: Sindhi
- The Gate way of India is?
Ans: Mumbai
- The headquarters of the coffee board of India is?
Ans: Bangalore
- The largest river in India is?
Ans: Ganga
- The first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress?
Ans: Rahimulla Sayani
- The river that flows through Delhi is?
Ans: Yamuna
- Who was the first Indian to be-elected to the British Parliament?
Ans: Dadabhai Naoroji
- Which is the most irrigated State in India?
Ans: Bihar
- The first metal used by the man was
Ans: Copper
- In the foreign Exchange market cross currency rates are also known as
Ans: Synthetic Rates
- United Nations Headquarters building had been constructed on the land donated by famous businessman and philanthropist
Ans: John D. Rockefeller
- The first book written by M. K. Gandhi was
Ans: My Experiment with Truth
- For how many years, Central government will compensate the loss of State governments due to GST?
Ans: 5 years
- September 1 is the foundation day of
Ans: LIC
- Who is the newly elected President of USA?
Ans: Donald Trump
- Which country has the world’s highest nominal per capita GDP?
Ans: Luxembourg
- What was the name of India’s new fastest train?
Ans: Gatimaan Express
- What percentage of foreign direct investment in India comes through automatic route?
Ans: 98%
- Which of the following company has launched a “Digital Price Index” for measuring inflation?
Ans: Adobe