IAS Prelims Mains Exam Pattern: Aspirants for IAS Civil Services Exam who have started the preparation and waiting for the updated Syllabus can check out the updated syllabus provided here. Without proper idea of IAS Civil Services syllabus no one can get assumption about his/her achievement in the examination. So, applicants may also download the IAS Syllabus in pdf format.
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Indian Administrative Services (IAS) Examination will be conducted in three stages namely
- Preliminary
- Main Examination and
- Interview/personality test.
IAS Prelims exam consists of Objective Type questions and main examination will be of descriptive type. From this page Contenders can get more information related to Indian Administrative Services Syllabus such as IAS Civil Services Books details and other information etc.
You can get details such as
- Syllabus of Preliminary Examination
- Syllabus of Main Examination
- List of optional subjects for Main Examination
- IAS Exam Pattern
IAS syllabus
Preliminary Exam: This will be conducted in 2 papers Paper A and Paper B
Click here for IAS Prelims Syllabus pdf
IAS Main examination: This will be conducted in the form of
- Paper A
- Paper B
In paper A there will be 2 parts and in paper B there will be & parts
Click here for IAS Mains Syllabus pdf
IAS Exam Pattern
Preliminary Exam:
Paper 1: General studies for 200 marks duration will be 2 hours
Paper 2: Aptitude Skills for 200 marks duration will be 2 hours
Main Exam:
Paper 1: One of the Indian languages chosen from the list 300 marks
Paper 2: English 300 marks
Paper 3: Essay 250 marks
Paper 4/5/6/7: General studies (250 marks for each paper) 1000marks
Paper 8/9 : Optional subject 500 marks
Total marks for written examination (English and language marks will not be counted) : 1750
Aspirants who were qualified in Preliminary and Main examination will be called for Interview. This Interview will be of 275 marks.
Aspirants who are going to appear in the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Forest Service,Indian Revenue Serviceand other examination, can find the UPSC IAS Syllabus and exam pattern through online mode. For better preparation applicants can go through the UPSC recently published IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS posts Syllabus.