ABOUT THE BOOK: The book How To Win Friends and Influence People was written by Dale Carnegie. This book was published in October 1936, US (11th printing February 1937) this is published in English by Gallery Books. Over 15 million copies are sold out across worldwide.
This book got the 19th place on Times magazine list of 100 most influent books in 2011.
During the first year, 17 editions were released. In 1981 the revised edition decreases the number of chapters from 6 to 4, to made easy reading. Simon and Schuster are the publishers for the book.
How To Win Friends and Influence People Book Details
Name of the Book: How To Win Friends and Influence People
Publish Date: October 1936
Author: Dale Carnegie
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Price: 685.71
Contents of How To Win Friends and Influence People Book:
- Eight Things This Book Will Help You Achieve
- Preface to Revised Edition
- How This Book Was Written-And Why
- Nine Suggestions on How to Get the Most Out of This Book
- A Shortcut to Distinction
Dale Carnegie is the author of “How To Win Friends and Influence People Book”. He was born on 24th November 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, US.
He died on 1st November 1955 (aged 66) at Forest Hills, New York City, US. He was a professor and writer and his first marriage was with Lolita Baucaire in 1927 and took diverse in 1931, later he got married to Dorothy Price Vanderpool in 1944 and they had a son named Donna Dale Carnegie.
Dale Carnegie was a teacher but not a writer, later he started night classes in YMCA (A welfare movement begins in London in 1844, now it has branches all over the world) in New York. He is getting popular in teaching so YMCA promoted him to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Even after success over there he started separate classes. He started classes of his own in hotels at London, Paris, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. He didn’t find the satisfactory book for coaching so he started writing the booklets. There are some other books written by the Dale Carnegie author they are:
- 1915 – Art of public speaking, with Joseph Berg Esenwein.
- 1934 – Little Known facts about well-known people.
- 1937 – Five Minute Biographies.
- 1948 – How to stop worrying and start living.
How To Win Friends and Influence People Book Summery / Contents
How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie is a 288 pages book, which is divided into six parts. Up next edition the six parts are reduced to four, they are Fundamental Techniques in handling people, six ways to people like you, win people to your way of thinking, be a leader how to change people without giving offense.
It is a key for successful communication and there are different thinking methods to use. From this book, we can learn how to express our ideas in the way which they are heard. Using this book we can achieve maximum potential in us.
This book contains some life changing concepts like a simple way to make good first impression, how to criticize other people and not to be hated for it, making people glad to do what you want and much more.
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