TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus: The Government of Telangana released a latest Notification for the Recruitment of Teachers through the Notification of Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT) 2017. So the eligible candidates can apply for the examination.
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This recruitment is providing for filling the posts of SGT (Secondary Grade Teacher), PET (Physical Education Teacher), SA (School Assistant), LP (Language Pandits).The Exam Pattern and Syllabus of TSPSC TRT Recruitment 2017 will be available in the Official Website www.tspsc.gov.in. In this post we are given to you the information of the Telangana DSC School Assistant Exam Syllabus, Exam Pattern etc.
- 1 TSPSC DSC SA Language Syllabus
- 2 School Assistant Exam Pattern for Non-Languages, Maths, Physics, Biology, Social Studies
- 3 TS School Assistant Exam Pattern for Languages, Telugu, Hindi, & English
- 4 TS DSC School Assistant Syllabus PDF
- 5 TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus for General Knowledge and Current Affairs
- 6 TS TRT Syllabus for Content
- 7 TSPSC School Assistant Syllabus for Chemistry
- 8 TSPSC School Assistant Syllabus for Physics
- 9 TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus for Botany
- 10 TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus for Zoology
- 11 TSPSC TRT School Assistant Syllabus for Geography
- 12 TS DSC Syllabus for English
- 13 TS DSC SA Syllabus for Mathematics
TSPSC DSC SA Language Syllabus
Organization Name: Telangana Public Service Commission, Government of Telangana State.
Official site: www.tspsc.gov.in
Examination Name: School Assistant
Category: TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus
Total 200 marks of questions will be asked in the Examination of SA Post.
The exam pattern for SA Posts includes General Knowledge & Current Affairs consists of 10 questions for 10 marks, Child Development and pedagogy consists of 30 questions for 30 marks, Language I consists of 70 questions for 70 marks, Language II consists of 30 questions for 30 marks, Mathematics, science, social studies consists of 60 questions for 60 marks. The Total duration of the examination will be 2 hours 30 minutes.
School Assistant Exam Pattern for Non-Languages, Maths, Physics, Biology, Social Studies
Subject Name | Syllabus | Questions | Marks |
General Knowledge Current Affairs | 20 | 10 | |
Perspectives in Education | Syllabus as notified | 20 | 10 |
| Telangana State syllabus from classes VI to X in School Subject concerned with difficulty standard as well as linkages up to Intermediate level | 88 | 44 |
Teaching Methodology | B.Ed. Methodology of School subject concerned based on syllabus of Telangana State. Universities | 32 | 16 |
TS School Assistant Exam Pattern for Languages, Telugu, Hindi, & English
Subject Name | Syllabus | Questions | Marks |
General Knowledge Current Affairs | – | 20 | 10 |
Perspectives in Education | notified Syllabus | 20 | 10 |
Content | The syllabus for Language concerned shall be based on proficiency in the language, elements of language, amp; comprehension & communication abilities – which are standard up to Senior Secondary Level (Intermediate level) | 88 | 44 |
Teaching Methodology | B.Ed. Methodology based on syllabus of Telangana State Universities | 32 | 16 |
TS DSC School Assistant Syllabus PDF
TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus for General Knowledge and Current Affairs
- Knowledge of Current Events
- Science- Inventions& Discoveries
- India and its neighboring Countries
- Current Affairs- National & International
- Geography
- Budget and Five Year Plans
- History
- General Politics
- Indian Constitution
- Economy
- Scientific Research
- Sports
- Important Financial & Economic News
- Economy, Banking and Finance
- Culture
- Countries & Capitals
TS TRT Syllabus for Content
- Tenses
- Parts of Speech
- Types of Sentences
- Articles and Prepositions
- Degrees of Comparison
- Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
- Clauses
- Vocabulary
- Use of Phrases
- Comprehension of a Prose Passage
- Voice-Active and Passive Voice
- Composition
TSPSC School Assistant Syllabus for Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Analytical Techniques
- Structure and Bonding
- Acids and Bases
- Redox Reactions
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Chemistry of Transition Elements
- Inorganic reaction mechanism
- Bio-inorganic Chemistry
- OrganSynthesis
- Quantum Chemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Thermodynamics
- Electrochemistry
- Photochemistry
TSPSC School Assistant Syllabus for Physics
- Mathematical Methods
- Classical Mechanics and Relativity
- Quantum Theory and its TSPSClications
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Electronics
- Experimental Physics
TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus for Botany
- Plant Diversity
- Taxonomy of Angisperms
- Angisoperm Anatomy
- Cell Biology
- Plant Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Physiology
TSPSC DSC SA Syllabus for Zoology
- The molecular structure of DNA and RNA
- Principles of Mendelian inheritance
- Gametogenesis
- Classification and comparative anatomy
- A broad classification of Animal Kingdom
- Principles of Mendelian inheritance
- Immune systems
- Biomolecules
TSPSC TRT School Assistant Syllabus for Geography
- Geomorphology
- Climatology
- OceanogrTSPSChy
- BioGeography
- GeogrTSPSChic Thought
- Population Geography
- Settlement Geography
- Economic Geography
- Geography of India
- Geography of Tamil Nadu
- MTSPSC making
- Remote Sensing
- Statistical Methods
TS DSC Syllabus for English
- Vocabulary
- Fill in the blanks
- Grammar
- Spot the error
- Antonyms
- Synonyms/Homonyms
- Sentence Structure
- Spellings
- Detecting Mis-spelt words
- One word substitutions
- Idioms and phrases
- Improvement
- Passage
- Verbal Comprehension passage etc.
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Clauses
TS DSC SA Syllabus for Mathematics
- Real Analysis
- Complex Analysis
- Algebra
- Topology
- Measure Theory and Functional Analysis
- Differential Equations
- Mechanics and Numerical Methods
- Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Differential Geometry
- Mathematical Programming and Fluid Dynamics
Also Download: TS DSC SGT Previous Papers PDF