Details about JNTUK Recounting: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada announced the B.Tech 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 3-2, 4-1, 4-3 Regular/Supply Results Declared. After checking the results some students not satisfied with their results so they are ready to apply Revaluation/Recounting/Challenge Valuation. For their convenience we provide Procedure to Apply for JNTUK Revaluation via online mode. The students who wish to apply for JNTU Kakinada Recounting of Theory External Marks or / Challenge Valuation Copy of Answer Script should submit the application with necessary fee on before the due date.
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Student can apply for JNTUK Revaluation for only one subject; if any student wants to apply for more than one subject to apply for each subject separately.
JNTUK Revaluation Fee:
The JNTUK Revaluation Application Fee of each answer script is Rs. 1000/- and recounting of each answer script is Rs. 100/-. Applicants should enclose the Xerox copies of latest marks memo containing details of failed subjects along with the applications.
The fee should be paid by making online Payment using Master/Visa Credit/Debit Cards or make the payments at any Branch of SBI using online Challan generated by this Online Payment Application.
Click here for online e-Payment
How to Apply for JNTUK Revaluation
Step 1: Log on to the official web portal
Step 6: After completing the form click on submit.
Step 7: Once again check the details carefully and confirm.
Step 8: Select the payment options like Net banking/Debit Card/Credit Card, SBI Challan Payment
Step 9: Make the payment before due date
Step 10: After due date transactions will not be considered and will not be refunded
Step 11: Take a printout of payment info and save for further use
I can apply for reevaluation, in the payment category it cannot shows reevaluation fee. Please solve this.
go to sbi collect
1 step : select state and enductional institute
2 step : other option is shown in that select college ex:REGISTRAR,JNTU KAKINADA EXAMS A\C (OPT BY……) TO SELECT
Recounting option not visible why
enter unique key: means what can i proveded in this option