Top Books for ICET Preparation: Anju Agarwal, Dinesh Agarwal, Rachna Agarwal and Ananta Ashisha’s Complete Success Package for ICET (Integrated Common Entrance Test, A.P, Telangana), published by Arihant Publications, is a comprehensive book.
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The book covers various topics they are
Analytical Ability, Data Sufficiency, Problem Solving, Mathematical Ability, Arithmetical Ability, Algebraical Ability, Statistical Ability and Communication Ability.
All concepts are explained in simple language for better understanding of participant. For more details of ICET Preparation Books please check the complete article.
Preparation with a planned manner can help you to achieve considerable result in any entrance examination. So, you can prepare ICET – State Level MBA Entrance Exam by collecting AP TS ICET Study Material via online or market etc. Following is the list of ICET Entrance Exam Books, Recommended and Suggested Books for Integrated Common Entrance Test.
Buying the correct Books are the best way to get started preparation for the exams. Here is a glance of the various books that syllabus for various sections in ICET Exam.
Best ICET Preparation Books
- Integrated Common Entrance Test (Complete Success Package) By Anju Agarwal.
- ICET by Arihant Publication.
- Quantitative Aptitude by S. Chand Publication.
ICET Preparation Tips
ICET is a prestigious exam and clearing it opens the doors to many academic benefits. First of all you people collect the ICET Syllabus and Exam Pattern. The paper pattern of ICET which is same every year since very long time.
Apart from a clear direction and hard work, preparation for ICET also calls for a lot of clench and determination in a person. First, concentrate on the syllabus. Once you are clear about the syllabus, prepare a timetable to complete the syllabus well in time.
As you begin following the schedule and select each topic, the focus should be to have clear concepts in mind. After completing the preparation take mock tests and manage your time. We wish you Best of luck for your preparation.