Revision test papers are very useful to pass CA final exam and to pass CA ipcc exams. Don’t worry about how to pass ca exam in first attempt because its very easy to pass with even 20 days preparation also if you plan well. Many people will fail even though they have 6 months of time to prepare. But many students are also passing ca exams in first attempt with only one month preparation also. So don’t worry about how to pass ca final exam or ipcc exam easily.
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- 1 Important Tips about How To Pass ca exam in one month
- 2 Paper 1: Accounting
- 3 Paper 2: Business laws, Ethics And Communications.
- 4 Paper 3: Cost Accounting And Financial Management
- 5 Paper 4: Taxation
- 6 Paper 5: Advanced Accounting
- 7 Paper 6: Auditing And Assurance
- 8 Paper 7: Information Technology And Strategic Management
Important Tips about How To Pass ca exam in one month
- You should complete the preparation of all the important topics in time.
- You should follow the best time table with dedication.
- Use Study Material and Revision test papers.
Paper 1: Accounting
- Partnership Accounts.
- Not-for-profit organizations.
- Amalgamation.
- Cash flow.
- Single Entry System (Accounting from incomplete records).
- Accounts in computerized environment.
Paper 2: Business laws, Ethics And Communications.
- Indian Contract Act.
- Payment of Bonus Act.
- EPF.
- Gratuity Act.
- Company Act.
- Ethics.
- Communication.
Paper 3: Cost Accounting And Financial Management
- Costing.
- Financial Management.
Exam tips:
- Use working notes where ever necessary for costing preparation.
- Don’t worry about twisted questions read slowly and carefully.
Paper 4: Taxation
- Income Tax.
- Service Tax and VAT.
Paper 5: Advanced Accounting
Exam Tips:
- AS
- Insurance companies financial statements
- Banking Companies financial statements
- Branch accounts or Department accounts
- Advanced issues in partnership or Amalgamation
- Batter to solve the questions of practice manual of accounting standards.
Paper 6: Auditing And Assurance
Exam Tips:
Writing answers in a point wise manner is best.
Use practical knowledge while answering this shows your grip in the subject.
Paper 7: Information Technology And Strategic Management
- Useful to use technical terms in the point wise manner.
- Definitions are asked about 15 marks so concentrate on them.
all the best “jai ho”
I really happy for this site
now i will not afraid to CA exam
very easy syallbus for CA exams
I’m Shiva Laxmi .I have completed my graduation in bsc computer in year 2009.i got 67%.l can eligible for CA exam and please give information about how to apply .
I think it all was fake because my bro studying ca from 10 years and not completed yet
I not fake bro I think ur bro only
I HAVE COMPLETED ONLY 12th can i eligible to study ca courses
If you have any eligibility norms info please follow this link
Dear Sir
I am an old student of ICAI with registration No MM34811 for period April 1987-1990
I have also undergone the 3- year articles for period April 1987-1990 .
But, I could not clear a single paper and subsequently discontinued the course .
After lapse of considerable time, I now feel interested to pursue the CA course again.
In this situation, I request you to advise me about –
1 Fresh Registration requirement
2 Registration / other fees payable
3 Status of Articles period ( Which I have already completed)
I request you to help me