B.TECH Course Details – The Bachelor of Technology commonly abbreviated as B.Tech. It is an undergraduate engineering degree usually do after the completion of 10+2. There are many more branches in B.Tech Course to choose and study of a particular student’s interest. Every BTech college or a university is having its own curriculum and syllabus. Course duration is total 4 years after 10+2.
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B.Tech Course Details
In this post you can find useful details about what is BTech, what are branches in BTech, Description about the branches, course duration, fee details, top colleges and universities in AP. Which are very useful for the students or users who want to know and join in this particular BTech course by gaining knowledge regarding this BTech.
Btech Courses:
- CSE (Computer Science and Engineering).
- ECE (Electronics and Computer Engineering).
- EEE (Electrical and Electronics Engineering).
- CE (Civil Engineering).
- ME (Mechanical Engineering).
- IT (Information Technology).
The above mentioned are the main basic branches in BTech degree which maximum of colleges provide in any state.
A Brief Agenda About The Branches
CSE: Which means Computer Science and Engineering which deals with computers and computer systems.
- And it is one of the essential professions in the world.
- The real world applications we, the software engineer’s done mainly based on this through coding in programming languages like c, c++, Java, HTML, CSS and etc.,
ECE: Which means Electronics And Computer Engineering which mainly deals with analog transmissions, basic electronics, microprocessors, solid-state devices and etc., Usually the graduates from this branch work in the power sector, Television industry, Music Industry and etc.,
EEE: Which means Electrical and Electronics Engineering deals with the engineering problems, opportunities, and needs of electrical, electronics, computer, telecommunication systems and related industries. Power generation and transmission systems are dealing with these electrical engineers.
The roles and responsibilities of electrical engineers are design circuits for electrically operated vehicles, Digital Devices, Computers, Electronic Memory Storage devices and etc.
These Electrical and Electronics Engineers Setup and operate the TeleCommunication networks, Wireless networks, and internetworks.
EEE Engineers setup & operate the telecommunication, wireless and internet networks.
CE: Which means Civil Engineering deals with the skills and knowledge of building dams, bridges, water supply systems. The graduates from civil engineering field work in fields like civil designing, building inspecting, material testing and etc.,
ME: Which means Mechanical Engineering deals with automotive systems, designing of mechanical systems, heat transfer, energy conversion, interfacing mechanical components with other sub-systems, man and machine, and control over the systems.
IT: The Full form of I.T. is Information Technology. The day-to-day functioning of a company’s computer network including responsibilities like Organizing, installing, and supporting computer systems, networks, intranets, and other data communication systems.
Technology is dealing with IT Portal. And much more named as IT and ITC and other aspects of managing and processing information, especially in large organizations; it can be considered a sub-discipline of computing.
Other Btech Courses:
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Bio-Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
- Food Technology
- Instrumentation Engineering
- Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
- Material Science
- Naval Architecture
- Nuclear Science and Engineering
- Oil Technology
- Paint Technology
- Production And Industrial Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Technology/B-pharma
- Software Engineering
- Textile Engineering
- Textile Technology
- Transportation Engineering
- Chemical & Alcohol Technology
The above are more BTech branches which are provided by specific colleges and universities. Based on student’s interest in topic and place of study they can pick their branch.
There is n number of colleges located all over the cities and states throughout India. Let us see some reputed colleges and universities list as follows.
College Name | City |
Indian Institute of Technology | Madras |
Indian Institute of Technology | Kharagpur |
Indian Institute of Technology | Roorkee |
Indian Institute of Technology | Bombay |
Anna University | Chennai |
Jadavpur University | Kolkata |
Indian Institute Of Technology | Hyderabad |
National Institute of Technology | Tiruchirappalli |
National Institute of Technology | Rourkela |
VIT University | Vellore |
Institute of Chemical Technology | Chennai |
Indian Institute Of Technology | Indore |
Birla Institute Of Technology And Science | Pilani |
Indian Institute Of Technology | Delhi |
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology | Howrah |