Average SAT Scores for Colleges | Average sat score out of 1600/2400 | Top 25 Colleges Ranked by SAT Scores

Average SAT Score for Colleges: Average SAT Scores Varies student to student. It totally depending on their performance in SAT Paper Based Examination. So what’s Average SAT Score for you? Check out the score ranges from the below table of Average SAT Score for Colleges. Keep reading complete article to figuring out what a good SAT score for you. Here you can get national averages, averages by gender, and averages by civilization, Average SAT Score by State.

Average SAT Scores

Students taking the New Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) need to be able to determine scores of college admission. The scores displayed are a top 25th percentile and lowest 25% and Average percentile.  Newly laid down SAT scores are not equivalent to the old sat scores. So, check the Average SAT Scores out of 1600 & out of 2400 on this page. You can use these expected new sat ranges to better understand the typical test scores of enrolled students.

New Average sat score out of 1600Old Average sat score out of 2400
12001800Top 25% (Excellent)
10001500Good (Average)
8401260lowest 25% (Poor)

National Averages

Reading and Writing: 510

Math: 510

Total: 1020

Average SAT Scores by Gender


Average SAT Scores by Civilization

Ethnicity/ CivilizationReadingMathWritingTotal
American Indian or Alaska Native4684714471386
Asian, Asian American/Pacific Islander5296025341665
Black or African American4304254151270
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander4324384231293
Hispanic, Latino/Latin American4484534361337
Two/More Races, non-Hispanic5115054881504

Top 25 Colleges Ranked by SAT Scores

Top 25 Universities and Colleges Ranked by SAT Scores available here below sated tabular form. Read on for a list of the top schools ranked by SAT score. The official stats are not provided by the colleges so this is estimated avg scores.

InstitutionAverage SAT Scores
California Institute of Technology1545
University of Chicago1515
Harvard University1505
Princeton University1505
Yale University1500
Massachusetts Institute of Technology1500
Vanderbilt University1490
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering1489
Washington University in St Louis1485
Harvey Mudd College1480
Columbia University in the city of New York1480
Stanford University1475
Northwestern University1470
Pomona College1460
Rice University1460
Dartmouth College1455
Duke University1455
University of Pennsylvania1450
Tufts University1445
Williams College1445
Amherst College1440
Swarthmore College1440
Bowdoin College1435
Webb Institute1435
Carnegie Mellon University1435
Brown University1435


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