Introduction: Are you awaiting for JEE Advanced Details? You are at right page. Now JEE Advanced Entrance Exam Notification and Dates have been announced. Applications are invited for The Joint Entrance Examination for admissions into IITS & ISM and offers UG & PG courses in field of Engineering, Sciences and Architecture. Complete details About JEE Exam are prescribed in the below paragraphs.
Useful Links From This Website |
Notifications, Admit Cards, Results, Universities |
Books, Exam Pattern, Mock Tests, Study Materials, Syllabus, Test Papers |
- 1 About JEE Exam
- 2 Details about JEE Advanced
- 3 JEE Notification
- 4 Eligibility Criteria
- 5 JEE Advanced Exam Dates
- 6 JEE Application
- 7 How to Apply Online
- 8 Fee
- 9 JEE Syllabus
- 10 Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) Exam
- 11 Exam Pattern
- 12 Preparation Tips
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16 Model Papers
- 17 Cut Off
- 18 Hall Ticket
- 19 How to Download
About JEE Exam

Here is all about About JEE Exam. The Joint Entrance Examination is a national level entrance exam conducted by the 7 Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) on the basis of rotation. JEE Advanced is a gateway for admission into IITs & ISM and offers UG & PG courses in the field of Engineering, Sciences, and Architecture. The JEE Advanced will be conducted by IIT Kanpur on May 21st 2018. Only the top 2, 20,000 JEE main qualifiers will be shortlisted for JEE Advanced .
Details about JEE Advanced
Name of the Examination | The Joint Entrance Examination Advanced |
Commonly known as | JEE Advanced |
Conducting Authority Name | IIT, Kanpur |
Examination Level | National Level UG/PG Exam |
Type | Engineering, Sciences and Architecture Entrance Examination |
Official Website | |
JEE Notification
JEE Advanced exam notification will be released by Indian Institute of Technology, which is the exam conducting authority of the year. Only the eligible candidates can check the details About JEE Exam like exam eligibility, Application form, Apply process, Fee, Admit Card, How to Download Admit card etc, are given in the following.
Eligibility Criteria
Indian Citizens and OCI/PIO candidates can apply for JEE Advanced Examination.
Age Limit:
To appear for JEE Advanced 2018 candidates should be born on 1st October 1992 and for SC/ST/PWD categories there is a five year relaxation, it means the candidates should be born on 1st October 1987.
- Candidates should appear for the 10+2 or equivalent examination.
- The candidates who are appeared in the JEE Main Examination are eligible for JEE Advanced examination.
- Those who passed the JEE Advanced 2017 are eligible for the examination.
- The candidates can appear a maximum of two times in a consecutive year.
JEE Advanced Exam Dates
JEE Advanced Exam Events | Important Dates |
Registration Notification | April |
Online registration starts | 4th week of April, 2018 |
Online registration Last Date | 1st week of May, 2018 |
Check Status of registration | May 2018 |
JEE Advanced Admit Card | 2nd week of May, 2018 |
Date of Examination (Online) | 21st May, 2018 |
Online Registration Date for Aptitude Test(AAT) Examination | 2nd week of June, 2018 |
Date of Architecture Aptitude Test(AAT) Examination | 2nd week of June, 2018 |
Declaration of JEE Advanced Result | 3rd week of June 2018 |
First Counselling | Last week of June, 2018 |
Second Counselling | 2nd week of July, 2018 |
Third Counselling | 4th week of July, 2018 |
JEE Application
The Application form for JEE Advanced will be provided by IIT Kanpur, because it is the exam conducting authority. The Application form will be available through online mode from 4th week of April 2018.
The students can read all the guidelines how they can apply for the IIT JEE Advanced Examination.
How to Apply Online
Step 1: Click on the official site link
Step 2: The candidates can register for the examination through online mode only.
Step 3: Candidates will fill their details and submit the application form till the 1st week of May 2018.
Step 4: During the registration process, candidates have to upload their scanned photographs in a given format.
Step 5: You can pay the registration fee through online.
Step 6: After successful completion of registration keep the printout of the JEE Advanced Application Form.
The candidates can pay the registration fee through online mode like debit card and net banking. They can offline mode through Challan.
Category | Fee (Rs.) |
For Female Candidates | 1200/- |
For ST/SC/PWD Candidates | 1200/- |
For All Other Candidates | 2400/- |
Late Fee | 500/- |
JEE Syllabus
The syllabus of JEE Advanced and AAT exam is given below.
Subject Name | Topics |
Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) Exam
The candidates who have qualified in the JEE Advanced examination are eligible to appear for AAT examination. The AAT Examination will be of three hours. To qualify the AAT exam, the candidates must get more than Cut-Off marks.
- Geometrical Drawing
- Freehand Drawing
- Imagination and Aesthetic Sensitivity
- Three- Dimensional Perception
- Architectural Awareness
Exam Pattern
- The exam will be conducted through Online mode and it will be comprises of two papers.
- The candidates have to attempt the both papers.
- The question paper will be asked in English and Hindi languages.
- The duration of the exam will be three hours.
- And the question paper will be contain objective type questions, the two questions papers will consist of three separate sections which include Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
Preparation Tips
- The candidates must know the complete structure and syllabus of the examination.
- A proper timetable management is required to schedule time for various subjects.
- Choose correct study material and books for exam preparation.
- Stay fit and healthy.
Model Papers
Practice previous year question papers, give mock tests and sample papers will help you for the examination. The IIT JEE mock test will help in improving your speed and accuracy. Through the model papers the candidates can get an idea about the Exam pattern and questions format. Click on the given link for downloading the JEE Advanced previous model papers.
Download JEE Advanced Model Papers
Cut Off
Hall Ticket
- JEE Advanced Admit card will be released by IIT Kanpur.
- The Admit Card of JEE Advanced will be available from the 2nd week of May 2018 through online mode from the official site.
- The JEE Advanced Admit card will contain the details such as candidate name, roll number, gender, venue, date, time and examination Centre.
- At the time exam, the candidate has to bring their Admit card along with the one photo ID.
How to Download
Step 1: Go to the official site link
Step 2: Click on the link Download JEE Advanced Admit card to be provided on that page.
Step 3: Now enter registration number, date of birth, email ID.
Step 4: After filling the details in the given space click on Submit button.
Step 5: Then Download the JEE Advanced Admit card.
Step 6: Take the printouts of JEE Advanced Admit card for future use.