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Telangana State Inter Results First Year:
The Board of Intermediate has been separated after the separation of States. From then the Boards were different and conducts the exams separately to those students belonging to that respective state. The Exam Is Conducted by Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education and the exam are called as Intermediate Public Examination 2017. Here is the update about the Telangana State Inter Results First Year.
Telangana State Inter First Year Results:
In this year 2017, the examinations for First year Intermediate were conducted from 1st March 2017 to 17th March 2017. Around 5 Lakhs students have written the examination. They are eagerly waiting for the Results. Those candidates who wrote the exam can keep in touch with our site. We will provide all regular updates about the results and important dates.
Telangana Inter 1st year Results Date:
The students, who took the Intermediate exams, here is the latest news. The spot valuation which was going on will be ended by 18th of this month. So, you can expect the results in between the dates of 22nd April to 26th April. As soon as the results are out, we will update them on our site.
Process of Checking the Telangana Intermediate Result:
In order to check the Results the students should be ready with any following details
- Roll Number
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Email Id
- Gender
- Location
- Stream Of Study
Steps to check TS Jr Intermediate Result:
- Go through the link provided or Official site
- Click on Telangana Inter 1st year Results 2017
- Enter the hall ticket number/roll number.
- Click on Get TS Inter First Year Result 2017.
- Wait for a while and your result will be on the screen.
- Take the print out copy of it for future reference.
So guys, get ready to check the TS State Junior Inter Results…
All the Best….
Link 1: TS Inter First Year Result
Link 2: Telangana Jr Intermediate Results
Stay Connected to our Site for TS Intermediate Supplementary Exam Time Table.