JNTU Kakinada Contact Number for OD: Are you looking for the JNTUK OD Application to get the original degree from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada? What should be the late fee for applying for an OD? Read this article completely to get an idea or knowledge about JNTUK Original Degree Apply Procedure. For your help we are providing the JNTUK OD Status as per your academic calendar.
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If you want urgent Original Degree Certificate please refer the JNTU Kakinada Contact Number for OD. I think better to apply JNTUK OD Tatkal Application Form if any urgent cases. Click on the below attachment to get the OD Application Form.
Check Status of JNTUK OD
All students please log on to the official website jntukexams.net. Click Status of Application button on home page. Select the Apply Status either online or other. And then enter your certificate type (original degree/provisional certificate/migration). And then enter your hall ticket number. Finally click on submit button. JNTUK OD Status will be appeared on your screen.
JNTUK OD Status – Click Here
Fee for JNTUK OD Application:
JNTUK OD Application Notification has released. This is good news to the candidates who have completed their B.Tech Degree and Post Graduation (PG). So, please check the notification for details regarding JNTUK OD Application Fee.
- General Fee for OD is Rs 2000/-
- Late fee for every year is Rs 500/-
The Online OD Application Fee should be paid either by making online Payment by using Master/Visa Credit/Debit (ATM) cards (or) by making the payments at any branch of SBI using the on-line Challan generated by this OD Online Application.
Steps for payment of fee
- Please long on to this link: https://www.jntukexams.net/
- After clicking on that link you can get new window.
- To Apply OD you need to make a payment.
- On that window you can click here for bank payment
- Follow the guidelines for make a payment
- Take a print out copy of fee payment for future use.
JNTUK Original Degree Apply Procedure
As we know so many students facing problem for applying JNTUK OD Application. For that reason we provide step by step JNTUK Original Degree Apply Procedure in online. So, carefully read the guidelines for apply JNTUK OD Tatkal Application Form.
- First you need to visit the official website https://jntukexams.net/
- Enter the Certificate Type, Hall Ticket Number and Payment Ref. No
- Click on Login and Make Conformation
- Select the Payment option and pay the JNTUK OD Application fee
- Take Printout copy of the E-receipt application
- On Next day Candidate need to log in at www.jntuk.edu.in
- Enter reference number (DU) of Payment & contact number etc
- Click submit button
- Give Details all the details such as Name, Father Name, Address etc (all information that appeared in the SSC).
- Upload recent color Photograph in the JPG or JPEG Format.
- Submit all the information
- Upload the Scanned copies of PC, SSC Certificate and Sem marks memo etc
- Unique number is generated on your screen note done it.
- Finally download the Acknowledgement receipt.
- Within one or two months you will get your Original Degree
Also check Eligibility & Amount
when i was click the application status………link then it will be go for link, i entered the details of the apply status and hallticket ,od certificate…….
finally when i clicked the submit button…………it doesn’t show anything …….
it shows empty field in that blanks of option……..
what is it ……….
why or u maintaining website ………..
one of the worst universtiy for providing anything ………
in starting stage given the application for OD date…..
but the website is not working finally when was the date for applying going out ……….
by the last week of that days …..not working those services…..
ur are extended the OD for only the reason is ur’s low capable of maintaing websites……
SIR my OD status is Your Personal Details are not uploaded successfully,Your Scanned copied Details are not uploaded successfully .my hall ticket number 12ff1a0431 so what process can i proceed please give the any suggestion are website.
can we apply for OD directly at university, is there any tatkal process for gettting OD
Dear sir/madam,
I am facing problem with making payment in this procedure. after accepting the bank terms Original Degree fee option is not there in that drop down of that box. please check and guide me what can we do. without Original Degree fee option.
Dear sir/madam,
I am facing problem with making payment in this procedure. after accepting the bank terms Original Degree fee option is not there in that drop down of that box. please check and guide me what can we do. without Original Degree fee option.
Dear sir/madam,
I am facing problem with making payment in this procedure. after accepting the bank terms Original Degree fee option is not there in that drop down of that box. please check and guide me what can we do. without Original Degree fee option.
Thanking you
Dear sir/madam,
I had applied Od before 1 month.still my Od status is showing Od is not printed. My hall ticket number is 12NN1A1216. Can u please check it once.
Dear sir/madam,
i had applied for original degree certificate(B.Tech,2014 batch) , i uploaded all the scanned certficates(cmm,pc,ssc,aadhar,photo) details. and i had made the payment of rs 3500 on 8-sep-2018.(reference no is:8434942188008) . At the time of uploading and bank payment everything went well,but now when i saw the status its saying that bank payment is not done successfully , Your Personal Details are not uploaded successfully and Your Scanned copied Details are not uploaded successfully,please kindly verify this issue.
Kode Poornasaichand.
Is the process still the same?When one of my frnds went to the university, he was told that there’s no tatkal process and one has to wait for 45 days for the OD to be received and the application process is only through online.Could anyone pls respond ASAP.
how many days taken delivery time of of OD certificate.
ll applied at 26/11/2018.
how days ill be get in my OD.