JNTUH OD Apply Process is available for the candidates in this article. Many students who have completed B.tech from their respective Colleges and Universities should apply for OD (Original Degree) which is mandatory.
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So we are going provide the complete process of how to apply OD in JNTUH (Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad).
For more information of JNTUH OD Apply Process, go through this article.

JNTUH OD Apply Process
Name of the University | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad |
JNTUH 7th Convocation Schedule | February/March (Exact Date will be intimated later) |
Category | OD Apply Process |
Starting Date of Online Application | Update Soon |
Last Date of Online Application | Update Soon |
Official Website/ Registration Portal | https://epayments.jntuh.ac.in/convocation |
JNTUH OD Apply Process – Eligibility and Application Fee
JNTU Hyderabad has released VI Convocation Notification on January. The candidates who are qualified for the award of Degree/Diploma during the academic years 2016-17 & PG Degree completed or going to be completed on or before due date are eligible to apply.
JNTUH OD Apply Process has been changed .The registration process is through online mode only.Candidates have to fill the particulars such as PC(Provisional Certificate) number and communication address in online mode only.
The application fee for applying OD is Rs 600/- which can be paid online (using Credit/Debit card or Internet Banking) or by making the payments at any branch of SBI by taking the system generated challan. Those Students who have applied for degree in Pre-Convocation mode should not apply for this Convocation. The Students Who have already paid the Original Degree (OD) fee in their College need not pay now, however the registration is compulsory in this Convocation for obtaining the OD.
JNTUH OD Apply Process
- New users have to enrol initially by NEW REGISTRATION.
- Enter your HALL TICKET NO. and click on Submit Button.
- Fill all details in Students Registration carefully ,especially address details
- Hall Ticket No.
- Password
- Student Name
- Father Name
- Gender
- Date of Birth
- College
- College Code
- Mobile Number
- Email ID
- Password will be generated at the time of registration. Password should be remembered by the candidate for further use.
- The User name shall be the hall-ticket number of the candidate during the study of the course for which he/she is seeking the Original Degree certificate.
- The fee amount can be paid either by making online Payment (using Master/Visa Credit/ATM cards).
- Go to https://epayments.jntuh.ac.in/convocation/
- Login with your HT number (user id) and password (as set by you) and Upload the scanned copy of Provisional Certificate.
- Click and select convocation OD then you will get acknowledgement file in .pdf format. Download and save it for future use.
JNTUH OD Apply Process – (PC received before October 2002) :: Post-Convocation
- Filled in Original Degree Application Form. [Download Original Degree Application Form Here]
- D. in favour of “THE REGISTRAR, JNTUH” payable at HYDERABAD.. (H.T. No. & Mobile No. may be written on the back side of DD)
Note : Enquire about DD Amount at students service counters at JNTUH.
- PC Xerox Copy.
- Another pass-port size photograph with HTNO written on the back of Photograph
- Submit the above documents at students service counter, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
- Retain a photocopy of this application with you.
- If you have not received the certificate within 60 days of your application, contact the Director of Evaluation for EMS (Speed Post) number. No claim of non-receipt of Certificate shall be entertained if it is not reported with 60 days of your application.
Note: This is the procedure to apply for original Degree Certificate (OD) (Pre/Post Convocation). If you are still having any query in this regard, leave a comment below and we will get back to you.
I am not able to open the websit “https://epayments.jntuh.ac.in/onlineconvocationservices”
can u please provide another link or procedure