IAS Exam Pattern: You may be very familiar with Indian Administrative Service (IAS), but have you ever known the details regarding UPSC IAS Exam Pattern & Syllabus. If you are in search of the latest IAS Exam Pattern then kindly go through the details of UPSC Civil Services Syllabus. IAS exam is the one of toughest exams in India.
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Union Public Service Commission conducts IAS exam every year mainly in 3 stages namely Preliminary exam, main exam and interview. Those candidates who preparing for IAS exam must be aware about IAS Exam Syllabus & exam pattern and it also help in better preparation of IAS exam. Please refer the official website www.upsc.gov.in for more updates regarding IAS Exam Preparation.
About IAS Exam:
In our country, UPSC Examinations are the most prestigious Examinations when compared to other competitive Exams. Indian Civil Service serves as the backbone of Indian administrative machinery. IAS is the mother of all exams. Every year lakhs of candidates applied for this UPSC IAS Exam. So competition is very tough. Those who study systematically and consistently, get into service. So, you can afford preparation for IAS prelims exam. The IAS students start the IAS Exam preparation just follow the tips given below. Also check the UPSC Civil Services Pattern for both preliminary and mains examination along with syllabus pdf from here.
Also Check UPSC Exam Calendar
UPSC IAS New Exam Pattern – Prelims
- Preliminary exam consist of 2 papers of 200 marks
- Two compulsory papers in the preliminary examination namely the General Ability test (GAT) and the Civil Service Aptitude Test (CSAT) to test the analytical skills of the candidates
- Both question papers are of the objective type
- Time duration is 2hrs for each paper.
- The question papers will be set both in Hindi and English
- Blind candidates would be allowed an extra 20 minutes of time at each paper.
- There will be a negative marking in this examination.
Paper | Name of Paper | Marks Allotted |
Paper 1: | General Ability Test (GAT) | 200 Marks |
Paper 2: | English Language and Aptitude | 200 Marks |
Total | 400 Marks |
IAS Exam Pattern – Mains:
UPSC mains exam consists of 9 papers, in which two are qualifying papers of 300 marks each:
- Any Indian Language
- English
And 7 papers are counted for merit each paper carries 250 marks. Out of 7 papers there are two optional papers which chosen by candidates.
Paper | Subject | Marks |
Paper – I
| Essay Can be written in the medium or language of the candidate’s choice | 250 |
Paper-II | General Studies- I (Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society) | 250 |
Paper-III | General Studies- II (Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations) | 250 |
Paper-IV | General Studies- III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management) | 250 |
Paper-V | General Studies- IV (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) (Marks carried by General Studies was 4X250=1000) | 250 |
| Optional Subject – Paper 1 | 250 |
Paper-VII | Optional Subject – Paper II (Candidate is allowed to take up literature as an optional subject” and candidate need not to be a graduate in that language’s literature.) | 250 |
The candidates can choose any one of the following Optional Subjects for Paper 6 and Paper 7
- Agriculture
- Anthropology
- Chemistry
- Geography
- History
- Political Science & International Relations
- Commerce & Accountancy
- Economics
- Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sociology
- Electrical Engineering
- Physics
- Zoology
- Medical Science
- Animal Husbandry& Veterinary Science
- Botany
- Civil Engineering
- Geology
- Law
- Philosophy
- Statistics and
- Literature of any one of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and English.
See the below link for UPSC IAS Syllabus – Prelims & Mains