Bank of Maharashtra recruitment 2016 is released for 1315 vacancies. Applicants looking for the bank careers can refer the important details from the BOM clerk notification 2016. People can attain the details provided in notification for easy access to fill the Bank of Maharashtra apply online form. There are BOM officer vacancies relapsed for all over India. This is a good opportunity for the applicants to apply for the recruitment by filling the provided application through official site www.bankofmaharashtra.in.
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BOM officer vacancies
Getting a Bank job is not an easy task. Now a day’s engineers and graduates are looking for these opportunities. Nevertheless, the govt of India is providing huge opportunities for the people who are looking for the latest govt careers. Well the cooperate banks, private, banks and the govt banks play vital role in these recruitment process.
Bank of Maharashtra abbreviated as BOM is one among the major public sector bank in India. Coming to the financial concepts it holds shares of about 81.61% in govt of India. Around 15 million customers in the country are taking part since 1895. Recently BOM recruitment 2016 is issued for the posts of assistant and clerk. Don’t get excited we deliberately provided the info regarding the released notification in this following passage.
List of vacancies:
- General Officer MMGS-III – 100
- General Officer MMGS-II – 200
- Security Officer MMGS-II – 15
- Clerk-Law Graduates – 100
- Clerk-Agril. Graduates – 200
- Officer (Non Conventional) I in JMGS-I – 500
- Clerk (Non Conventional) with 6 months Certification Course – 200
BOM clerk notification
In the released Bank of Maharashtra recruitment 2016, vacancies are distributed based on the priorities. We eventually provided the necessary information regarding all the educational qualification, age limit, pay scale application fee etc. follow us as we provided the BOM clerk notification 2016 details in our portal, as well as the tips and tricks to fill the Bank of Maharashtra apply online form.
Mainly the vacancies are allotted for the graduation and the degree passed candidates. Applicants can apply for these BOM officer vacancies and after getting the peculiar info. The official portal has provided the link for the notification and online application in bankofmaharashtra.in.
Organization: Bank of Maharashtra
Official Site: bankofmaharashtra.in
Job Role: officer and clerk
Vacancies: 1315
Job Category: govt job
Job Location: all over India
Eligibility Criteria
Education Qualification: candidates must possess Professional Qualifications like MBA (Finance)/CA/ICWA/CFA/FRM/CAIIB from a recognized University
Scale of Pay:
For Post (1): Rs.42020/- -Rs.51490/-
For Post (2, 3): Rs.31705/- -Rs.45950/-
For Post (4, 5, 7): Rs.11765/- -Rs.31540/-
For Post (6): Rs.23700/- -Rs.42020/-
Age limit: 23 to 28 years
Selection Process:
- Exam
- Group discussion
- Interview
Application Fee: Rs 600/- for the general and Rs 100 for SC/ST/BC
How to Apply
Candidates had to visit the official site bankofmaharashtra.in. Refer the details in the notification. Check the online application form or press the link provided below. Select the prescribed job and then enter the details. Submit the application form in online. Save the submitted copy for further assurance.
Important Dates:
Last date to submit the application form: 06.09.2016
Bank of Maharashtra notification