Analogies are common logic test questions meant to assess your logical reasoning skills. Following are the Verbal analogy questions appear in most verbal ability tests.
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A good way to find out the relationship in a given question is to make up a sentence that describes the relationship between the first two words. Then, try to use the same sentence to find out which word of the answer, choices complete the same relationship with the third.
- Window is to pane as book is to
A. novel
B. glass
C. cover
D. page
Answer: Option D
2. Optimist is to cheerful as pessimist is to
A. gloomy
B. mean
C. petty
D. helpful
Answer: Option A
3. Play is to actor as concert is to
A. Symphony
B. musician
C. piano
D. percussion
Answer: Option B
4. Pen is to poet as needle is to
A. thread
B. button
C. sewing
D. tailor
Answer: Option D
5. Artist is to painting as senator is to
A. attorney
B. law
C. politician
D. constituents
Answer: Option B
6. Guide is to direct as reduce is to
A. decrease
B. maintain
C. increase
D. preserve
Answer: Option A
7. Exercise is to gym as eating is to
A. food
B. dieting
C. fitness
D. restaurant
Answer: Option D
8. Reptile is to lizard as flower is to
A. petal
B. stem
C. daisy
D. alligator
Answer: Option C
9. Play is to actor as concert is to
A. symphony
B. musician
C. piano
D. percussion
Answer: Option B
10. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to
A. dish
B. soup
C. spoon
D. food
Answer: Option B