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Machine Design Objective Questions
1. In a tap set, the first tap used in thread cutting isA. Plug tapB. Taper tapC. Bottom tapD. Straight tap
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)
2. A coarse scres of major diameter 6 mm...
Refrigeration and Air conditioning Objective Questions
1. A device designed to remove moisture from a refrigerant is calledA. DehumidifierB. DrierC. SolenoidD. Expansion valve
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. The moisture in a refrigeration system is removed byA. EvaporatorsB. CoolersC. DehumidifiersD. Driers3. In a vapour compression cycle...
Applied Mechanics Objective Questions
1. For perfectly elastic bodies, the value of the coefficient of restitution isA. 0.372B. 1C. ZeroD. 0.5
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. A flywheel weighs 400 kg and has a radius of gyration of 30...
Materials Handling Objective Questions
1. Which of the following material has the highest weight/volume ratio?A. BarleyB. LimestoneC. CokeD. Charcoal
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. Which of the following has tendency to adhere to metal?A. Silica flowB. GypsumC. Mica dustD. Talc3. Air hoists provideA. infinitely...
Mechanical Measurements Objective Questions
1. A error that always follows the same definite mathematical or physical law is known asA. Detectable errorB. Systematic errorC. Physical errorD. Mathematical error
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. Manganin does not containA. ManganeseB. NickelC. ZincD. Copper3. Under force voltage...
Automobile Engineering Objective Questions
1. Diesel engines are generally preferred for road transport these days because of lowA. Manufacturing costB. Operating costC. Initial costD. Prime cost
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. In an internal combustion engine the approximate percentage...
Production Engineering Objective Questions
1. Necking isA. Preparation of surface for brazingB. Hole drilled for rivetingC. Drilling a hole in a plateD. Machining a groove around cylindrical shaft
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. In a centre lathe gear box...
Theory of Machines Objective Questions
1. A cycle chain is a kinematic chainA. Yes provided the distance is limitedB. YesC. NoD. Yes, provided the links are limited in number2. A dadial follower isA. One in which the follower translates along an axis passing through the...
Heat Engines Objective Questions
1. Working in the cryogenic range means dealing with temperaturesA. Below absolute zeroB. Between zero degree centigrade and 190?CC. Below zero degree centigradeD. Between - 190?C and absolute zero
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. For...
Strength Of Materials Objective Questions
1. Poisson's ratio for cast iron isA. 0.36B. 0.27C. 0.31D. 0.33
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. A solid cube is subjected to equal normal forces of the same type on all its faces. The ratio...
Foundry Technology Objective Questions
1. Flux used in cupola while melting cast iron isA. coke slurryB. molassesC. lime stoneD. any of the above
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. Polystyrene is generally available in the form ofA. trapezoidal mouldsB. platesC. cylindrical barsD. square...
Energy Conversion Objective Questions
1. The carbon percentage in diesel oil is nearlyA. 86%B. 66%C. 100%D. 74%
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. The average load factor of thermal power plants in India isA. 35 to 40%B. 100%C. 80 to 95%D. 50 to 60%3. For...
Metallurgy Objective Questions
1. Angularity of the square base pyramid in Vickers hardness tester isA. 120?B. 136?C. 90?D. 11?
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. Which metal has the lowest melting point?A. SilverB. MagnesiumC. CopperD. Iron3. Percentage of carbon in mild steel isA. 0.8...
Engineering Materials Objective Questions
1. If a body has identical properties all over it is known asA. IsentropicB. DuctileC. ElasticD. Homogeneous
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. Hardness of martensite is aboutA. RC 57B. RC 65C. RC 67D. RC 483. Grey ironA. Has brittlenessB. Low compression strengthC. Has...
Turbo machines Objective Questions
1. A control volume has an inlet area of 0.1 m2 and exit area of 0.05 m2. The density is 3.89 kg/m2 and constant. If the inlet velocity is 30 m/s, the force on...
Thermodynamics Objective Questions
1. The sequence of processes that eventually returns the working substance to its original state is known asA. Thermodynamic cycleB. EventC. ProcessD. Thermodynamic property
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. The unit of universal gas constant...
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Sample Questions
1. The units of dynamic viscosity areA. kg m2/secB. Newton-sec/m2C. Newton/m2-secD. kg-sec/m
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. The critical depth on a channel is given byA. h = v/2gB. h = 2v/gC. h = v2/2gD. h = v2/g3. A mercury...
Soil Mechanics and Foundations Objective Questions
1. A civil engineer is concerned mainly withA. 8 to 10 mB. 10 to 15 mC. 5 to 8 mD. 2 to 5 m
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. The void ratio for saturated soil...
Building Construction Objective Questions
1. The minimum load which will cause failure of a foundation is calledA. nominal strengthB. ultimate bearing powerC. ultimate compressive strengthD. ultimate tensile strength
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the question’s)2. When a veavy structure is to...
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Objective Questions
1. The property of a liquid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of liquid over another adjacent layer of liquid, is calledA. compressibilityB. viscosityC. surface tensionD. capillarity
(Answers will be displayed at the end of the...